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TBrowse: можно ли в нём сделать сетку с многострочными ячейками ?

p519446: hi all. Сабж (т.е. когда строки с данными переносятся по словам также, как и заголовки, если вставить ";") Если да, киньте, плз, кусок рабочего кода или ткните носом во фрагмент доки (в norton guide не могу найти)

Ответов - 1 новых

Dima: глянь пример \SOURCE\TBROW\GENERAL\TBR33.PRG [code] #include "inkey.ch" #include "setcurs.ch" #include "set.ch" #define HEADSEP CHR(205) + CHR(209) + CHR(205) #define COLSEP CHR(32) + CHR(179) + CHR(32) #define FOOTSEP CHR(205) + CHR(207) + CHR(205) #define MYCOLORS "W+/BG,W+/B*" #define WIDTH 40 #define LAST_LINE 4 #define MEMOCOLUMN 2 FUNCTION Main() LOCAL b, column, nKey, cScreen LOCAL nMaxRow, nMaxCol // This variable holds the line number // Lets start as line number 1 // LOCAL nLine := 1 // Open file USE memotest INDEX memotest // Screen (not handled by TBrowse) cScreen := savescreen() SET(_SET_SCOREBOARD, .F.) SETBLINK(.F.) SETCURSOR(SC_NONE) SETCOLOR("N/W") SCROLL() nMaxRow := MAXROW() nMaxCol := MAXCOL() @ 2, 4 TO nMaxRow - 3,nMaxCol - 5 DOUBLE COLOR MYCOLORS // Create Browse Object b := TBrowseDB( 3, 5, nMaxRow - 4, nMaxCol - 6 ) b:colSep := COLSEP b:headSep := HEADSEP b:footSep := FOOTSEP b:colorSpec := MYCOLORS // Custom Skippers // // nLine is passed by reference // since we need to know which // data should be retrieved. // // It means field contents or "" or even spaces // for the first and the third columns depending // if nLine is 1 or != 1. // b:skipBlock := {|nSkip| SkipDB(nSkip, @nLine)} b:goTopBlock := {|| GoTopDB(@nLine)} b:goBottomBlock := {|| GoBottomDB(@nLine)} // Column objects // column := TBColumnNew( "City", {|| IF(nLine == 1,; memotest->charfld, "")}) // Get-set block should be attached to cargo column:cargo := {|x| IF(x == NIL, memotest->charfld,; memotest->charfld := x)} column:footing := "Computer Associates Int'l" b:addColumn( column ) // As you can see, the "trick" is the line counter // which will point out for the line you want to // show on the screen. column := TBColumnNew( "Memo", {|| RetrieveWhat(nLine)} ) column:width := WIDTH // Get-set block should be attached to cargo column:cargo := {|x| IF(x == NIL, memotest->memofld,; memotest->memofld := x)} column:footing := "TBrowse/TBColumn;Objects" b:addColumn( column ) // Browse it! WHILE .T. ForceStable( b ) IF (b:hitTop .OR. b:hitBottom) // Make some noise! TONE(1000, 2) ENDIF nKey := INKEY(0) // Process key IF !TBMoveCursor( nKey, b ) IF ( nKey == K_ESC ) EXIT ELSEIF ( nKey == K_ENTER ) // Editing // Is it a memo? IF ( b:colPos == MEMOCOLUMN ) IF EditMemo(b, nLine) b:refreshAll() ELSE b:invalidate() ENDIF ELSE DoGet(b, nLine) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF END DBCLOSEALL() SCROLL() restscreen(,,,,cScreen) RETURN (.T.) /***** * * Bottom of file * */ STATIC FUNCTION GoBottomDB( nLine ) // You are receiving a reference DBGOBOTTOM() nLine := LAST_LINE RETURN (NIL) /***** * * Top of File * */ STATIC FUNCTION GoTopDB( nLine ) // You are receiving a reference DBGOTOP() // Since you are pointing to the first record // your current line should be 1 nLine := 1 RETURN (NIL) /***** * * Skip records * */ STATIC FUNCTION SkipDB( nRequest, nLine ) // nLine is a reference LOCAL nActually := 0 IF nRequest == 0 DBSKIP(0) ELSEIF nRequest > 0 .AND. !EOF() WHILE nActually < nRequest IF nLine < LAST_LINE // This will print up to LAST_LINE of text // Some of them (or even all) might be empty ++nLine ELSE // Go to the next record DBSKIP(+1) nLine := 1 ENDIF IF EOF() DBSKIP(-1) nLine := LAST_LINE EXIT ENDIF nActually++ END ELSEIF nRequest < 0 WHILE nActually > nRequest // Go to previous line IF nLine > 1 --nLine ELSE DBSKIP(-1) IF !BOF() nLine := LAST_LINE ELSE // You need this. Believe me! nLine := 1 GOTO RECNO() EXIT ENDIF ENDIF nActually-- END ENDIF RETURN (nActually) /***** * * Which line should be retrieved? * */ STATIC FUNCTION RetrieveWhat(nLine) LOCAL cReturn := "" LOCAL cStr // Strip all hard returns, soft returns and line feeds cStr := STRTRAN(memotest->memofld, CHR(141), "") cStr := STRTRAN(cStr, CHR(10), "") cStr := STRTRAN(cStr, CHR(13), "") IF nLine == 1 cReturn := SUBSTR(cStr, 1, WIDTH) ELSEIF nLine == 2 cReturn := SUBSTR(cStr, WIDTH + 1, WIDTH) ELSEIF nLine == 3 cReturn := SUBSTR(cStr, WIDTH * 2 + 1, WIDTH) ELSEIF nLine == 4 cReturn := SUBSTR(cStr, WIDTH * 3 + 1, WIDTH) ENDIF RETURN (cReturn) /***** * * Edits the memo field * */ STATIC FUNCTION EditMemo(b, nLine) LOCAL nBot, nRig, nTop, nLef, column LOCAL cStr1, cStr0, bBlock LOCAL cClr, nCur, lRet := .F. IF nLine == 1 column := b:getColumn(b:colPos) nTop := ROW() nLef := COL() IF (b:rowCount == b:rowPos) nBot := nTop ELSEIF ( (b:rowPos + LAST_LINE - 1 ) > b:rowCount) nBot := nTop + (b:rowCount - b:rowPos) ELSE nBot := nTop + LAST_LINE - 1 ENDIF nRig := nLef + WIDTH cClr := SETCOLOR("I") nCur := SETCURSOR(SC_NORMAL) cStr0 := EVAL(column:cargo) // Edit it cStr1 := MEMOEDIT(cStr0, nTop, nLef, nBot, nRig, .T.) // Reset SETCOLOR(cClr) SETCURSOR(SC_NONE) IF !(cStr0 == cStr1) // Replace field EVAL(column:cargo, cStr1) lRet := .T. ENDIF ENDIF RETURN (lRet) /***** * * @...GET * */ STATIC FUNCTION DoGet(obj, nLine) LOCAL nCursSave, xOldKey, xNewKey LOCAL column, get, nKey IF nLine != 1 RETURN (NIL) ENDIF // Cursors are for GETs, so: nCursSave := SETCURSOR(SC_NORMAL) // make sure browse is stable WHILE ( !obj:stabilize() ) END column := obj:getColumn( obj:colPos ) // create a corresponding GET and READ it // Pay attention to column:cargo!!!!!!!!! get := GetNew(ROW(), COL(), column:cargo,; column:heading,, "W+/BG,W+/B") // Get old key value or NIL xOldKey := IF( EMPTY(INDEXKEY()), NIL, &(INDEXKEY()) ) READMODAL( {get} ) SETCURSOR(SC_NONE) xNewKey := IF( EMPTY(INDEXKEY()), NIL, &(INDEXKEY()) ) // If key was changed... IF xOldKey != xNewKey // Refresh obj:refreshAll() ForceStable( obj ) // Make sure we are still in the right record // after stabilizing WHILE &(INDEXKEY()) > xNewKey .AND. !obj:hitTop() obj:up() ForceStable( obj ) END ELSE obj:refreshCurrent() ForceStable( obj ) ENDIF // check exit key nKey := LASTKEY() IF ( nKey == K_UP .OR. nKey == K_DOWN .OR. ; nKey == K_PGUP .OR. nKey == K_PGDN ) KEYBOARD CHR( nKey ) ENDIF RETURN (NIL) /***** * * Cursor Movement Methods * */ STATIC FUNCTION TBMoveCursor( nKey, oObj ) LOCAL nFound STATIC aKeys := ; { K_DOWN , {|b| b:down()},; K_UP , {|b| b:up()},; K_PGDN , {|b| b:pageDown()},; K_PGUP , {|b| b:pageUp()},; K_CTRL_PGUP , {|b| b:goTop()},; K_CTRL_PGDN , {|b| b:goBottom()},; K_RIGHT , {|b| b:right()},; K_LEFT , {|b| b:left()},; K_HOME , {|b| b:home()},; K_END , {|b| b:end()},; K_CTRL_LEFT , {|b| b:panLeft()},; K_CTRL_RIGHT, {|b| b:panRight()},; K_CTRL_HOME , {|b| b:panHome()},; K_CTRL_END , {|b| b:panEnd()} } // Search into array nFound := ASCAN( aKeys, nKey ) IF nFound != 0 EVAL( aKeys[++nFound], oObj ) ENDIF RETURN (nFound != 0) /***** * * Forces Stabilization * */ STATIC FUNCTION ForceStable( obj ) DISPBEGIN() WHILE !obj:stabilize() END DISPEND() RETURN (.T.) // EOF - TBR33.PRG // [/code]

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