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Samples IncrementalSearch

КСС: Привет всем! Пару месяцев не был здесь. Скачал новый релиз MiniGUI-Ext и обнаружил там мой старый пример использования Events в папочке \Samples\Basic\IncrementalSearch. Как пример выделения и обработки событий он годится, но для практического применения - нет. Обрабатывать локализованные символы (в т.ч. русские) в нём нельзя, кроме того функциональные клавиши порождают символы, что также мешает реальной работе. Мы обсуждали этот код в теме "MiniGUI-Browse- поиск по букве". Я его уже давно доработал и использую в своей программе и хочу предложить полный вариант свободный от недостатков. Я влил в обновлённый код доработки команды разработчиков MiniGUI-Ext, так что получилась полноценная замена IncrementalSearch. В модуле MyEvents.prg появилась функция KeyToChar(). Она хороша тем, что очень простая, читабельная и главное, легко локализуемая. Её можно сделать, как у меня, на два языка, а можно и на много.

Ответов - 4

КСС: /* * MINIGUI - Harbour Win32 GUI library Demo */ #include "minigui.ch" #include "Dbstruct.ch" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function Main //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private aRows [20] [3] Private nSortColBrowse := 1, nSortColGrid := 1, cSearchText := "", cPressedKeys := "" Declare a_hdr_image[2] a_hdr_image[1] = 'UP.BMP' a_hdr_image[2] = 'DN.BMP' REQUEST DBFCDX SET CENTURY ON SET DELETED ON // SET CODEPAGE TO RUSSIAN // Important for localize UPPER SET EVENTS FUNCTION TO MYEVENTS // DEFINE WINDOW Form_1 ; AT 0,0 ; WIDTH 640 HEIGHT 480 ; TITLE "MiniGUI Browse/Grid Incremental Search Demo" ; MAIN NOMAXIMIZE ; ON INIT OpenTables() ; ON RELEASE CloseTables() DEFINE MAIN MENU POPUP 'File' ITEM 'Exit' ACTION Form_1.Release END POPUP POPUP 'Help' ITEM 'About' ACTION MsgInfo ("MiniGUI Browse/Grid Incremental Search Demo") END POPUP END MENU DEFINE STATUSBAR STATUSITEM 'HMG Power Ready' END STATUSBAR @ 10,10 BROWSE Browse_1; WIDTH 610; HEIGHT 200; HEADERS { 'Code' , 'First Name' , 'Last Name', 'Birth Date', 'Married' , 'Biography' }; WIDTHS { 100 , 150 , 150 , 150 , 150 }; WORKAREA Test; FIELDS { 'Test->Code' , 'Test->First' , 'Test->Last' , 'Test->Birth' , 'Test->Married' }; VALUE 1; JUSTIFY { BROWSE_JTFY_RIGHT, BROWSE_JTFY_CENTER, BROWSE_JTFY_CENTER,; BROWSE_JTFY_CENTER, BROWSE_JTFY_CENTER }; HEADERIMAGE a_hdr_image ; ON HEADCLICK { {|| BrowseHeadClick(1)}, {|| BrowseHeadClick(2)}, , , }; ON GOTFOCUS {|| BrowseHeadClick( nSortColBrowse ) } aRows [1] := {'Simpson','Homer','555-5555'} aRows [2] := {'Петров','Иван','324-6432'} aRows [3] := {'Smart','Max','432-5892'} aRows [4] := {'Иванов','Андрей','894-2332'} aRows [5] := {'Русский','James','346-9873'} aRows [6] := {'Сидоров','Сергей','394-9654'} aRows [7] := {'Flanders','Ned','435-3211'} aRows [8] := {'Калугина','Анна','123-1234'} aRows [9] := {'Pedemonti','Flavio','000-0000'} aRows [10] := {'Gomez','Juan','583-4832'} aRows [11] := {'Попова','Ирина','321-4332'} aRows [12] := {'Borges','Javier','326-9430'} aRows [13] := {'Альварес','Alberto','543-7898'} aRows [14] := {'Гонсалес','Ольга','437-8473'} aRows [15] := {'Batistuta','Gol','485-2843'} aRows [16] := {'Vinazzi','Amigo','394-5983'} aRows [17] := {'Котлов','Flavio','534-7984'} aRows [18] := {'Ладыко','Геннадий','854-7873'} aRows [19] := {'Теплицын','Alejandra','???-????'} aRows [20] := {'Reyes','Monica','432-5836'} @ 220,10 GRID Grid_1; WIDTH 610; HEIGHT 170; HEADERS {'Column 1','Column 2','Column 3'}; WIDTHS {140,140,140}; ITEMS aRows; HEADERIMAGE a_hdr_image ; ON HEADCLICK { {|| GridHeadClick(1)}, {|| GridHeadClick(2)}, }; ON GOTFOCUS {|| GridHeadClick( nSortColGrid ) } END WINDOW CENTER WINDOW Form_1 ACTIVATE WINDOW Form_1 Return Nil //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function BrowseHeadClick( nCol ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cSearchText := "Sort&Search by < " + ; GetProperty( "Form_1", "Browse_1", "Header", nCol ) + " >: " nSortColBrowse := nCol cPressedKeys := "" if nCol = 1 set order to tag "Code" Form_1.Browse_1.HeaderImage( 1 ) := 1 Form_1.Browse_1.HeaderImage( 2 ) := 0 elseif nCol = 2 set order to tag "First" Form_1.Browse_1.HeaderImage( 1 ) := 0 Form_1.Browse_1.HeaderImage( 2 ) := 1 endif DoMethod( "Form_1", "Browse_1", "Refresh" ) SetProperty( "Form_1", "StatusBar", "Caption", cSearchText ) Return Nil //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function GridHeadClick( nCol ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Local i cSearchText := "Sort&Search by < " + ; GetProperty( "Form_1", "Grid_1", "Header", nCol ) + " >: " nSortColGrid := nCol cPressedKeys := "" if nCol = 1 aRows := asort( aRows,,, { |x, y| x[1] < y[1] } ) for i = 1 to len( aRows ) Form_1.Grid_1.Item( i ) := aRows[ i ] next Form_1.Grid_1.HeaderImage( 1 ) := 1 Form_1.Grid_1.HeaderImage( 2 ) := 0 elseif nCol = 2 aRows := asort( aRows,,, { |x, y| x[2] < y[2] } ) for i = 1 to len( aRows ) Form_1.Grid_1.Item( i ) := aRows[ i ] next Form_1.Grid_1.HeaderImage( 1 ) := 0 Form_1.Grid_1.HeaderImage( 2 ) := 1 endif i := Form_1.Grid_1.Value Form_1.Grid_1.Value := if( i = 0, 1, i ) Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return Nil //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure OpenTables() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if !file("test.dbf") CreateTable() endif Use Test index Test Via "DBFCDX" set order to tag "Code" Go Top Form_1.Browse_1.Value := RecNo() BrowseHeadClick( 1 ) Return //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure CloseTables() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Use Return //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Procedure CreateTable //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCAL aDbf[5][4] aDbf[1][ DBS_NAME ] := "Code" aDbf[1][ DBS_TYPE ] := "Numeric" aDbf[1][ DBS_LEN ] := 10 aDbf[1][ DBS_DEC ] := 0 // aDbf[2][ DBS_NAME ] := "First" aDbf[2][ DBS_TYPE ] := "Character" aDbf[2][ DBS_LEN ] := 25 aDbf[2][ DBS_DEC ] := 0 // aDbf[3][ DBS_NAME ] := "Last" aDbf[3][ DBS_TYPE ] := "Character" aDbf[3][ DBS_LEN ] := 25 aDbf[3][ DBS_DEC ] := 0 // aDbf[4][ DBS_NAME ] := "Married" aDbf[4][ DBS_TYPE ] := "Logical" aDbf[4][ DBS_LEN ] := 1 aDbf[4][ DBS_DEC ] := 0 // aDbf[5][ DBS_NAME ] := "Birth" aDbf[5][ DBS_TYPE ] := "Date" aDbf[5][ DBS_LEN ] := 8 aDbf[5][ DBS_DEC ] := 0 // DBCREATE("Test", aDbf, "DBFCDX") Use test Via "DBFCDX" zap For i:= 1 To 100 append blank Replace code with i Replace First With aRows[Random(20)][1] Replace Last With 'Last Name '+ Str(i) Replace Married With .t. replace birth with date()+i-10000 Next i Index on str(Code,10) Tag "Code" To "Test" Index on upper(First) Tag "First" To "Test" Use Return //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function Form1Event1( i, nVirtKey, cKey ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCAL nLastRec := 1 Do Case Case nVirtKey == 46 // DEL *If _HMG_aControlPicture == .t. If MsgYesNo( _HMG_BRWLangMessage [1] , _HMG_BRWLangMessage [2] ) == .t. _BrowseDelete('','',i) EndIf *EndIf Case nVirtKey == 36 // HOME _BrowseHome('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 35 // END _BrowseEnd('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 33 // PGUP _BrowsePrior('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 34 // PGDN _BrowseNext('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 38 // UP _BrowseUp('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 40 // DOWN _BrowseDown('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case len( cKey ) > 0 .or. nVirtKey = 8 if nVirtKey = 8 // BackSpace cPressedKeys := left( cPressedKeys, len(cPressedKeys)-1 ) elseif len( cKey ) > 0 cPressedKeys := cPressedKeys + cKey endif Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText + cPressedKeys nLastRec := recno() if nSortColBrowse = 1 if ! dbseek( str(val(cPressedKeys), 10) ) go nLastRec endif elseif nSortColBrowse = 2 if ! dbseek( cPressedKeys ) go nLastRec endif endif Form_1.Browse_1.Value := recno() Return 1 EndCase RETURN 0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Function Form1Event2( i, nVirtKey, cKey ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCAL nLastRec := 1, nFindElem := 0 Do Case Case nVirtKey == 36 // HOME _GridHome('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 35 // END _GridEnd('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 33 // PGUP _GridPgUp('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 34 // PGDN _GridPgDn('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 38 // UP _GridPrior('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case nVirtKey == 40 // DOWN _GridNext('','',i) cPressedKeys := "" Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText Return 1 Case len( cKey ) > 0 .or. nVirtKey = 8 if nVirtKey = 8 // BackSpace cPressedKeys := left( cPressedKeys, len(cPressedKeys)-1 ) elseif len( cKey ) > 0 cPressedKeys := cPressedKeys + cKey endif Form_1.StatusBar.Item(1) := cSearchText + cPressedKeys nLastRec := Form_1.Grid_1.Value nFindElem := ascan( aRows, { | x | left( upper( x[nSortColGrid] ), len(cPressedKeys) ) == cPressedKeys } ) if nFindElem > 0 Form_1.Grid_1.Value := nFindElem else Form_1.Grid_1.Value := nLastRec endif Return 1 // Must be 1 to disable standard search procedure EndCase RETURN 0 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #include "MyEvents.prg" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------

КСС: //#include "MiniGui.ch" #define WM_NOTIFY 78 #define LVN_KEYDOWN ( - 155 ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION MyEvents( hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCAL i, nVirtKey, cKey, Result := 0 LOCAL cFormName := "", cControlName := "" if nMsg = WM_NOTIFY if GetNotifyCode( lParam ) = LVN_KEYDOWN nVirtKey := GetGridvKey( lParam ) cKey := KeyToChar( nVirtKey ) i := Ascan( _HMG_aFormHandles , hWnd ) cFormName := if( i > 0, _HMG_aFormNames[ i ], "" ) i := Ascan( _HMG_aControlHandles, GetHwndFrom( lParam ) ) cControlName := if( i > 0, _HMG_aControlNames[ i ], "" ) if cFormName == "Form_1" .and. cControlName == "Browse_1" Result := Form1Event1( i, nVirtKey, cKey ) elseif cFormName == "Form_1" .and. cControlName == "Grid_1" Result := Form1Event2( i, nVirtKey, cKey ) elseif cFormName == "Form2" .and. cControlName == "Browse_1" // elseif cFormName == "winPreparChild" .and. cControlName == "Browse_1" // elseif cFormName == "winUsersRights" .and. cControlName == "Grid_1" // else Result := Events( hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam ) endif else Result := Events( hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam ) endif else Result := Events( hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam ) endif RETURN Result //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Static Function KeyToChar( nVirtKey ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOCAL i, cRetChar := "" LOCAL nKeyboardMode := GetKeyboardMode() LOCAL lShift := CheckBit( GetKeyState( 16 ), 32768 ) LOCAL aKeysNumPad := { 96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,109,110,111 } LOCAL cKeysNumPad := "0123456789*+-./" LOCAL aKeys1 := { 192,189,187,219,221,220,186,222,188,190,191 } LOCAL cKeys1US := "`-=[]\;',./" LOCAL cKeys1ShiftUS := '~_+{}|:"<>?' LOCAL cKeys1RU := "Ё-=ХЪ\ЖЭБЮ." LOCAL cKeys1ShiftRU := "Ё_+ХЪ/ЖЭБЮ," LOCAL cKeys2US := "1234567890QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM " LOCAL cKeys2ShiftUS := "!@#$%^&*()QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM " LOCAL cKeys2RU := "1234567890ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗФЫВАПРОЛДЯЧСМИТЬ " LOCAL cKeys2ShiftRU := '!"№;%:?*()ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗФЫВАПРОЛДЯЧСМИТЬ ' i := ascan( aKeysNumPad, nVirtKey ) if i > 0 RETURN substr( cKeysNumPad, i, 1 ) endif i := ascan( aKeys1, nVirtKey ) if i > 0 if nKeyboardMode == 1033 // US if lShift cRetChar := substr( cKeys1ShiftUS, i, 1 ) else cRetChar := substr( cKeys1US, i, 1 ) endif elseif nKeyboardMode == 1049 // RU if lShift cRetChar := substr( cKeys1ShiftRU, i, 1 ) else cRetChar := substr( cKeys1RU, i, 1 ) endif endif RETURN cRetChar endif i := at( chr( nVirtKey ), cKeys2US ) if i > 0 if nKeyboardMode == 1033 // US if lShift cRetChar := substr( cKeys2ShiftUS, i, 1 ) else cRetChar := substr( cKeys2US, i, 1 ) endif elseif nKeyboardMode == 1049 // RU if lShift cRetChar := substr( cKeys2ShiftRU, i, 1 ) else cRetChar := substr( cKeys2RU, i, 1 ) endif endif endif RETURN cRetChar //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #pragma BEGINDUMP #include <windows.h> #include "hbapi.h" #include "hbapiitm.h" HB_FUNC( GETKEYBOARDMODE ) { HKL kbl; HWND CurApp; DWORD idthd; int newmode; CurApp=GetForegroundWindow(); idthd=GetWindowThreadProcessId(CurApp,NULL); kbl=GetKeyboardLayout(idthd); newmode=(int)LOWORD(kbl); hb_retnl(newmode); } #pragma ENDDUMP //------------------------------------------------------------------------------

gfilatov: КСС пишет: хочу предложить полный вариант свободный от недостатков. Я влил в обновлённый код доработки команды разработчиков MiniGUI-Ext, так что получилась полноценная замена IncrementalSearch. Большое спасибо! Обязательно включу это обновление в новый релиз

Andrey: КСС пишет: Static Function KeyToChar( nVirtKey ) А как єту функцию сделать для украинского язіка ? Добавил строку, а дальше не знаю как... [pre2] elseif nKeyboardMode == 1058 // UK [/pre2]

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