[x]Harbour GTWVT


: EXE. 2 - , ! . ... - - , .. - , "" " " - - C:\WINME\SYSTEM\conagent.exe ? - . ... , . - ?

- 96, : 1 2 3 4 5 All

: Pasha : -aa ?! 98- ME , XP - !

Andrey: HBMAKE .... ....

Andrey: Pasha : - , :) ???

: Pasha : GTI_FONTWIDTH ? , GtInfo(GTI_FONTWIDTH, 10)... , - , - ? GtInfo(GTI_FONTWIDTH) , .

Andrey: Pasha : gtwvt, Wvt_GetPalette(), Wvt_SetPalette(), Wvt_ChooseColor() ? .... Pasha : , .. - ?

Pasha: Andrey yu: @ }w~ uu t {y y {u{ y}up {pxp y ~pz{y ? R}. ?ut ~ywu. Sp}, {~u~, y|xu } u?yy{p. N , t}p, qtu ~~p Mpyr aGet - y{ GET. {u ~pt xtp. B y get xptp Reader-q|{, r {} Enter rxrpu q|{ {tp rytp {|| SetClr(1, a16)}. Kpwt} get ~pt p~ry ruryz ?ru TWindowNew/TWindowClose - xtp~yu s {~p p}{z ARead }yu get y rxrpu ReadModal Hp}u~y } u?yy{ ~p p~tp~u ~{?yy. ` ~p} {}p~t yp SAY/GET rxrp ut{ #ifdef __HARBOUR__ #include "getexit.ch" #include "inkey.ch" Static func ColorSetup Local a16 := WVT_GetPalette(), w Local a16Old := AClone(a16) Local bGet := {|| space(6)} Local cBtnClr := '15/01,00/03, ,11/03,07/01' Local aGet := {; { 4,20, 'Xu~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(1, a16)},, '07/00'},; { 6,20, 'Ry~yz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(2, a16)},, '01/01'},; { 8,20, 'Hu|u~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(3, a16)},, '02/02'},; {10,20, 'Ayxrz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(4, a16)},, '03/03'},; {12,20, 'Kp~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(5, a16)},, '04/04'},; {14,20, 'Ly|rz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(6, a16)},, '05/05'},; {16,20, 'Ky~urz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(7, a16)},, '06/06'},; {18,20, 'Au|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(8, a16)},, '07/07'},; { 4,42, 'Ruz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(9, a16)},, '08/08'},; { 6,42, '`{-y~yz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(10, a16)},, '09/09'},; { 8,42, '`{-xu|u~z', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(11, a16)},, '10/10'},; {10,42, 'C|qz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(12, a16)},, '11/11'},; {12,42, '`{-{p~z', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(13, a16)},, '12/12'},; {14,42, 'Ryu~urz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(14, a16)},, '13/13'},; {16,42, 'Gu|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(15, a16)},, '14/14'},; {18,42, '`{-qu|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(16, a16)},, '15/15'},; {19,20, Replicate('', 41)},; {20,20,, {|| '[ Cr ]'},,,,; {|oG| if(oG:ExitState=GE_ENTER,(oG:ExitState:=GE_WRITE,.f.),.t.)},; {|oG| SetLastKey(K_ENTER),oG:ExitState:=6},, cBtnClr},; {20,20+13,, {|| '[ O}u~p ]'},,,,,; {|oG| SetLastKey(K_ESC),oG:ExitState:=7},, cBtnClr},; {20,36+10,, {|| '[ Rp~tp~u ]'},,,,,; {|oG| StandardClr(a16)},, cBtnClr} } Local aIni := HB_ReadIni('gals.ini') Local aWvt, cWvt, ser, lChange := .f. if aIni # nil .and. ('GTWVT' IN aIni) aWvt := aIni['GTWVT'] w := TWindowNew(2,15,22,65,,, 2, .t.) @ 2, 33 say 'Npz{p p|y' // ARead(aGet) TWindowClose(w) for ser := 1 to 16 if a16[ser] # a16Old[ser] lChange := .t. exit endif next if lChange cWvt := '' for ser := 1 to 16 cWvt += if(! Empty(cWvt), ',', '') + StrTrim(a16[ser]) next aWvt['Palette'] := cWvt HB_WriteIni('gals.ini', aIni) elseif LastKey() == K_ESC WvtRefresh(a16Old) endif endif Return nil Static func SetClr(nPal, a16) Local nClr := WVT_ChooseColor(a16[nPal], a16) if nClr # -1 .and. nClr # a16[nPal] a16[nPal] := nClr WvtRefresh(a16) endif Return nil Static func StandardClr(a16) a16[ 1] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x0 ) a16[ 2] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x85 ) a16[ 3] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x85,0x0 ) a16[ 4] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x85,0x85 ) a16[ 5] := RGB( 0x85,0x0 ,0x0 ) a16[ 6] := RGB( 0x85,0x0 ,0x85 ) a16[ 7] := RGB( 0x85,0x85,0x0 ) a16[ 8] := RGB( 0xC6,0xC6,0xC6 ) a16[ 9] := RGB( 0x60,0x60,0x60 ) a16[10] := RGB( 0x00,0x00,0xFF ) a16[11] := RGB( 0x60,0xFF,0x60 ) a16[12] := RGB( 0x60,0xFF,0xFF ) a16[13] := RGB( 0xF8,0x00,0x26 ) a16[14] := RGB( 0xFF,0x60,0xFF ) a16[15] := RGB( 0xFF,0xFF,0x00 ) a16[16] := RGB( 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF ) WvtRefresh(a16) Return nil STATIC FUNCTION rgb( r,g,b ) RETURN ( r + ( g * 256 ) + ( b * 256 * 256 ) ) #endif

Pasha: Dp p{u. Kp{xq|y{p}y ru |. Pr {t #ifdef __HARBOUR__ #ifndef _fw #include "getexit.ch" #include "inkey.ch" Static func ColorSetup Local a16 := WVT_GetPalette(), w Local a16Old := AClone(a16) Local bGet := {|| space(6)} Local cBtnClr := '15/01,00/03, ,11/03,07/01' Local aGet := {; { 4,20, 'Xu~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(1, a16)},, '07/00'},; { 6,20, 'Ry~yz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(2, a16)},, '01/01'},; { 8,20, 'Hu|u~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(3, a16)},, '02/02'},; {10,20, 'Ayxrz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(4, a16)},, '03/03'},; {12,20, 'Kp~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(5, a16)},, '04/04'},; {14,20, 'Ly|rz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(6, a16)},, '05/05'},; {16,20, 'Ky~urz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(7, a16)},, '06/06'},; {18,20, 'Au|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(8, a16)},, '07/07'},; { 4,42, 'Ruz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(9, a16)},, '08/08'},; { 6,42, '`{-y~yz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(10, a16)},, '09/09'},; { 8,42, '`{-xu|u~z', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(11, a16)},, '10/10'},; {10,42, 'C|qz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(12, a16)},, '11/11'},; {12,42, '`{-{p~z', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(13, a16)},, '12/12'},; {14,42, 'Ryu~urz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(14, a16)},, '13/13'},; {16,42, 'Gu|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(15, a16)},, '14/14'},; {18,42, '`{-qu|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(16, a16)},, '15/15'},; {19,20, Replicate('', 41)},; {20,20,, {|| '[ Cr ]'},,,,; {|oG| if(oG:ExitState=GE_ENTER,(oG:ExitState:=GE_WRITE,.f.),.t.)},; {|oG| SetLastKey(K_ENTER),oG:ExitState:=6},, cBtnClr},; {20,20+13,, {|| '[ O}u~p ]'},,,,,; {|oG| SetLastKey(K_ESC),oG:ExitState:=7},, cBtnClr},; {20,36+10,, {|| '[ Rp~tp~u ]'},,,,,; {|oG| StandardClr(a16)},, cBtnClr} } Local aIni := HB_ReadIni('gals.ini') Local aWvt, cWvt, ser, lChange := .f. if aIni # nil .and. ('GTWVT' IN aIni) aWvt := aIni['GTWVT'] w := TWindowNew(2,15,22,65,,, 2, .t.) @ 2, 33 say 'Npz{p p|y' // ARead(aGet) TWindowClose(w) for ser := 1 to 16 if a16[ser] # a16Old[ser] lChange := .t. exit endif next if lChange cWvt := '' for ser := 1 to 16 cWvt += if(! Empty(cWvt), ',', '') + StrTrim(a16[ser]) next aWvt['Palette'] := cWvt HB_WriteIni('gals.ini', aIni) elseif LastKey() == K_ESC WvtRefresh(a16Old) endif endif Return nil Static func SetClr(nPal, a16) Local nClr := WVT_ChooseColor(a16[nPal], a16) if nClr # -1 .and. nClr # a16[nPal] a16[nPal] := nClr WvtRefresh(a16) endif Return nil Static func StandardClr(a16) a16[ 1] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x0 ) a16[ 2] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x85 ) a16[ 3] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x85,0x0 ) a16[ 4] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x85,0x85 ) a16[ 5] := RGB( 0x85,0x0 ,0x0 ) a16[ 6] := RGB( 0x85,0x0 ,0x85 ) a16[ 7] := RGB( 0x85,0x85,0x0 ) a16[ 8] := RGB( 0xC6,0xC6,0xC6 ) a16[ 9] := RGB( 0x60,0x60,0x60 ) a16[10] := RGB( 0x00,0x00,0xFF ) a16[11] := RGB( 0x60,0xFF,0x60 ) a16[12] := RGB( 0x60,0xFF,0xFF ) a16[13] := RGB( 0xF8,0x00,0x26 ) a16[14] := RGB( 0xFF,0x60,0xFF ) a16[15] := RGB( 0xFF,0xFF,0x00 ) a16[16] := RGB( 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF ) WvtRefresh(a16) Return nil STATIC FUNCTION rgb( r,g,b ) RETURN ( r + ( g * 256 ) + ( b * 256 * 256 ) ) #endif

Pasha: Krakozyabliki po4emu-to poshli :0

Pasha: : GtInfo(GTI_FONTWIDTH, 10)... , - , - ? Posmotriu

Pasha: , multi_gt gtwvt . gtwin dev-list

Pasha: Marcos Antonio Gambeta: To run my programs i am using: ANNOUNCE hb_gt_wvt_default Procedure Main () .... Return Procedure hb_gtsys () request hb_gt_wvt Return To run in console mode: myprogram.exe //gtwin , : request hb_gt_wvt , xHarbour www.deja.com : comp.lang.xharbour http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.xharbour/topics?lnk=gschg . , , - ,

: Pasha : , multi_gt gtwvt . gtwin 20 ... , GtInfo(GTI_FONTWIDTH) ... , Pasha, , GtInfo(GTI_WINTITLE, text), GTWIN XP ? 98- ME , XP ...

Pasha: winxp win9x , : GTInfo( GTI_WINTITLE, if(hb_gt_version()='WVT'.or.OS_ISWIN9X(), HB_OemToAnsi( cCap ), cCap) ) GTI_FONTWIDTH ? , request

Andrey: Pasha : Krakozyabliki po4emu-to poshli :0 , . , : 30195@mail.ru

: Pasha : GTI_FONTWIDTH ? , ... ... request hb_gt_wvt (. harbour_faq.txt) ... , GTI_FONTWIDTH Win'9x, XP . .

Pasha: B uu px p ?utp. Sp} y|x }y ~{?yy, {u ~pt xp}u~y ry}y TWindowNew()/TWindowsClose() - {yu {~p {pxp~~}y {ty~pp}y Mpyr aGet ut~px~pu~ t| xtp~y say/get qu{r r {pxp~~} }uu {p~p, xptp~~} ?ru}. A| {tp {|| SetClr(1, a16)} rxrpu ~pwpy Enter ~p y qu{p get. S.u. ~pt t| {pwts qu{p get xtp reader-q|{, {z q ~pwpy Enter rxrp| qpqy{ U~{?y ARead xtpu y get y rxrpu ReadModal Rp}y ~{?yy ~u tp, p{ ~y ~ xp qz uu }~s us... D}p, ~~p y qux ~y #include "getexit.ch" #include "inkey.ch" Static func ColorSetup Local a16 := WVT_GetPalette(), w Local a16Old := AClone(a16) Local bGet := {|| space(6)} Local cBtnClr := '15/01,00/03, ,11/03,07/01' Local aGet := {; { 4,20, 'Xu~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(1, a16)},, '07/00'},; { 6,20, 'Ry~yz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(2, a16)},, '01/01'},; { 8,20, 'Hu|u~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(3, a16)},, '02/02'},; {10,20, 'Ayxrz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(4, a16)},, '03/03'},; {12,20, 'Kp~z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(5, a16)},, '04/04'},; {14,20, 'Ly|rz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(6, a16)},, '05/05'},; {16,20, 'Ky~urz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(7, a16)},, '06/06'},; {18,20, 'Au|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(8, a16)},, '07/07'},; { 4,42, 'Ruz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(9, a16)},, '08/08'},; { 6,42, '`{-y~yz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(10, a16)},, '09/09'},; { 8,42, '`{-xu|u~z', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(11, a16)},, '10/10'},; {10,42, 'C|qz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(12, a16)},, '11/11'},; {12,42, '`{-{p~z', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(13, a16)},, '12/12'},; {14,42, 'Ryu~urz ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(14, a16)},, '13/13'},; {16,42, 'Gu|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(15, a16)},, '14/14'},; {18,42, '`{-qu|z ', bGet,,,,, {|| SetClr(16, a16)},, '15/15'},; {19,20, Replicate('', 41)},; {20,20,, {|| '[ Cr ]'},,,,; {|oG| if(oG:ExitState=GE_ENTER,(oG:ExitState:=GE_WRITE,.f.),.t.)},; {|oG| SetLastKey(K_ENTER),oG:ExitState:=6},, cBtnClr},; {20,20+13,, {|| '[ O}u~p ]'},,,,,; {|oG| SetLastKey(K_ESC),oG:ExitState:=7},, cBtnClr},; {20,36+10,, {|| '[ Rp~tp~u ]'},,,,,; {|oG| StandardClr(a16)},, cBtnClr} } Local aIni := HB_ReadIni('gals.ini') Local aWvt, cWvt, ser, lChange := .f. if aIni # nil .and. ('GTWVT' IN aIni) aWvt := aIni['GTWVT'] w := TWindowNew(2,15,22,65,,, 2, .t.) @ 2, 33 say 'Npz{p p|y' // ARead(aGet) TWindowClose(w) for ser := 1 to 16 if a16[ser] # a16Old[ser] lChange := .t. exit endif next if lChange cWvt := '' for ser := 1 to 16 cWvt += if(! Empty(cWvt), ',', '') + StrTrim(a16[ser]) next aWvt['Palette'] := cWvt HB_WriteIni('gals.ini', aIni) elseif LastKey() == K_ESC WvtRefresh(a16Old) endif endif Return nil Static func SetClr(nPal, a16) Local nClr := WVT_ChooseColor(a16[nPal], a16) if nClr # -1 .and. nClr # a16[nPal] a16[nPal] := nClr WvtRefresh(a16) endif Return nil Static func StandardClr(a16) a16[ 1] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x0 ) a16[ 2] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x0 ,0x85 ) a16[ 3] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x85,0x0 ) a16[ 4] := RGB( 0x0 ,0x85,0x85 ) a16[ 5] := RGB( 0x85,0x0 ,0x0 ) a16[ 6] := RGB( 0x85,0x0 ,0x85 ) a16[ 7] := RGB( 0x85,0x85,0x0 ) a16[ 8] := RGB( 0xC6,0xC6,0xC6 ) a16[ 9] := RGB( 0x60,0x60,0x60 ) a16[10] := RGB( 0x00,0x00,0xFF ) a16[11] := RGB( 0x60,0xFF,0x60 ) a16[12] := RGB( 0x60,0xFF,0xFF ) a16[13] := RGB( 0xF8,0x00,0x26 ) a16[14] := RGB( 0xFF,0x60,0xFF ) a16[15] := RGB( 0xFF,0xFF,0x00 ) a16[16] := RGB( 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF ) WvtRefresh(a16) Return nil STATIC FUNCTION rgb( r,g,b ) RETURN ( r + ( g * 256 ) + ( b * 256 * 256 ) )

Pasha: -

: Pasha : GTI_FONTWIDTH ? GTI_FONTWIDTH , XP , - . - GTWVT . , 8 ( ) , , 12801024?

: Pasha : http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.xharbour/topics?lnk=gschg . , - ... . 14 !

Andrey: GTWVT ??? : 1) 2)