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Leto DB Server (продолжение)

alkresin: Только что открыл на Sourceforge новый проект - Leto DB Server - https://sourceforge.net/projects/letodb Это мультиплатформенный ( Windows, Unix/Linux ) сервер баз данных, предоставляющий клиентским программам доступ к dbf/cdx файлам, находящимся на удаленном сервере ( можно и на локальном компьютере запускать - в отладочных целях ). В общем, как ADS :). Проект - на стадии разработки, не все даже базовые функции еще реализованы, до оптимизации дело еще не дошло. Но работает :). Крутится у меня на сервере несколько дней, подключал до 15 клиентов, пока не падает. Мои программы работают с ним нормально. Преимущества по сравнению с обычным файл-сервером: 1) Безопасность - базы могут быть в каталоге, недоступном для клиентских компьютеров - никто их случайно не удалит и не повредит. 2) Поскольку базы открываются серверной программой, а не клиентской, ее целостности ничего не грозит при случайном отключении клиентского компьютера. 3) значительное уменьшение сетевого траффика. 4) Должен быть, по идее, выигрыш в скорости. 5) Возможность контроля за пользователями с помощью утилиты manage ( можно придумать и другие формы контроля ). 6) Можно будет сделать транзакции, stored procedures на Харборе, ... и вообще все в наших руках :). Кто хочет участвовать в разработке, тестировании - пишите.

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sashaBG: Вот примерчик click here когда использую комаду SET FILTER прога слетает с ошибкой Unrecoverable error 6005: Exception error: можно посмотреть в hb_out.log а когда использую DbSetFilter() не слетает , но и фильтр не работает !! Я знаю что можно и нужно писать код по другому но ето просто тест

alkresin: Причина глупейшая - у меня почему-то задан буфер фиксированной длины ( 256 байт ) при передаче строки фильтра, ваш фильтр оказался слишком длинным - отсюда переполнение буфера ... Сейчас исправлю. А dbSetFilter() не работает, т.к. вы передаете в нем только кодоблок, а на сервер-то передается строка. Это тоже поправлю - в этом случае фильтрация должна выполнятся в клиентском приложении.

Pasha: Для xHarbour я давно делаю отдельную dll для rddleto Захотелось сделать и для Harbour, но... получаю unresolved externals: _hb_errNew _hb_errPutGenCode _hb_errPutSubCode _hb_errPutDescription _hb_errPutOsCode _hb_errPutFileName _hb_errPutFlags _hb_cmdargARGV можно ли в include\hbapierr.h добавить HB_EXPORT в определения этих функций (можно для всех функций в строках 102-129) ? Александр, Петр, если возражений у других разработчиков не будет, может сделаете ?

alkresin: Сделаем: ==================================== On Wed, 17 Jun 2009, Alexander S.Kresin wrote: Hi, > > are there objections to make functions from rtl/errorapi.c ( hb_errNew(), > > hb_errPutGenCode(), ... ) HB_EXPORT ? > > This could allow to build as dll third party RDD's, etc. They should be exported. I'll commit such modification in a while. best regards, Przemek ==============================

Oskar_Aa: Добрый день, форумчане.... использую xHarbour build 1.0.0 (Simplex), проект "Консольный" xHarbour.... Сегодня решил подключить LETODB.exe (2008-01-31 17:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su). Проект собрался нормально. При запуске вылетает по ошибке ERROR LETO/1021, интересно что ЭТО происходит с разными файлами.... Вопрос(ы): 1. Есть ли что похожее на NG по ошибкам для LETODB 2. Может ли влиять на открытие файлов ч/з LETODB структура полей файла (тип, размер, первого поля). PS. Открытие файла БД Use (Cdatabase) SHARED Alias &Use_Alias Скриншот: |//....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/BLNS19 |//.....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/REKVIZIT |//.....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/RELATION |//.....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/MENU |//.....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/PLANS |Error LETO/1021 Data type error: -003:32-1012

Oskar_Aa: Добрый день, форумчане.... использую xHarbour build 1.0.0 (Simplex), проект "Консольный" xHarbour.... Сегодня решил подключить LETODB.exe (2008-01-31 17:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su). Проект собрался нормально. При запуске вылетает по ошибке ERROR LETO/1021, интересно что ЭТО происходит с разными файлами.... Вопрос(ы): 1. Есть ли что похожее на NG по ошибкам для LETODB 2. Может ли влиять на открытие файлов ч/з LETODB структура полей файла (тип, размер, первого поля). 3. Количество открытых файлов в LETODB (аналог переменной CLIPPER Files=250) PS. Открытие файла БД Use (Cdatabase) SHARED Alias &Use_Alias Скриншот: |//....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/BLNS19 |//.....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/REKVIZIT |//.....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/RELATION |//.....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/MENU |//.....168.1.19:2812/ANAL/BALANS.KKB/FILES.2008/PLANS |Error LETO/1021 Data type error: -003:32-1012 Открывает 4 файла и на 5 Error 1021

alkresin: Oskar_Aa пишет: LETODB.exe (2008-01-31 17:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) Вы действительно используете релиз от января прошлого года ???

Oskar_Aa: Александр, содержимое файла ChangeLog /* $Id: Changelog,v 1.176 2008/08/07 16:47:00 ptsarenko Exp $ */ /* Use this format for the entry headers: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM UTC[-|+]hhmm Your Full Name <your_email@address> For example: 2002-12-01 23:12 UTC+0100 Foo Bar <foo.bar@foobar.org> */ 2008-08-07 19:45 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c * source/client/letomgmn.c * source/server/letofunc.c * include/rddleto.h * pCurrentConn moved from letofunc.c to leto1.c. The default connection now can be set by LETO_CONNECT() function for USE and CREATE command * If server name and port is skipped in file name in Leto_File() function, the default connection is used * LETO_MGGETINFO() function now return DataPath + added leto_InTransaction() function * skip buffer is used for dbSkip(-1) also * hb_rddFlushAll() replaced witn SELF_FLUSH( ( AREAP ) pArea ) in the flush command on server 2008-07-15 12:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Fixed memory size, allocated for leto_rec() function - there were GPF's in some cases. 2008-07-14 11:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * re-committed 2008-07-11 13:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/server.prg * The forth parameter od dbCreate ( lKeepOPen ) works now. * COPY TO command works now. 2008-07-10 22:25 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c ! fixed DBOI_SCOPETOPCLEAR and DBOI_SCOPEBOTTOMCLEAR evaluation with empty key item 2008-07-09 22:15 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c * added bAppend parameter to letoSetBlankRecord() function, and ulRecNo is cleared only for dbAppend() * source/server/letofunc.c ! fixed scope operations in leto_Skip() 2008-07-09 19:45 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c ! fixed compilation for Harbour 2008-07-09 09:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Minor fix 2008-07-08 22:15 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c ! fixed gpf in letoOrderListFocus() if incorrect order number is passed * added check for already opened index bagname in letoOrderListAdd() 2008-07-08 16:25 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c ! Fix in letoPutMemoValue() function * source/server/letofunc.c * source/common/hbip.c ! Fixes for hpux, provided by Luiz Rafael Culik Guimaraes 2008-07-07 04:10 UTC+0700 Andi Jahja <harbour/AT/cbn/net/id> * source/server/letofunc.c ! type casts 2008-07-06 18:30 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c ! another fix for FLOCK() * added DataPath to the second parameter in leto_FRename() * source/server/server.prg * changes in hs_createindex() if index bagname has path 2008-07-06 12:00 UTC+0700 Andi Jahja <harbour/AT/cbn/net/id> * source/client/leto1.c ! some type casts ! line 1835 is typo (?), should be ulLen (was uiSize), pse re-check * source/common/hbhip.c * source/server/letofunc.c ! some type casts 2008-07-02 19:40 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c ! fixed FLOCK() implemetnation 2008-06-16 19:40 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * include/rddleto.h * added szPath into LETOCONNECTION structure * source/client/letomgmn.c - removed writelog() declaration * connection number in LETO_CONNECT, LETO_SETCURRENTCONNECTION and LETO_GETCURRENTCONNECTION now is beginning from 1 + added LETO_PATH(cPath) function. cPath can be used instead of path in SET PATH and SET DEFAULT command * source/client/leto1.c ! typos in letoIsBinaryField + added support for nConnection parameter in the dbUseArea() and dbCreate() functions + added letoRemoveIpFromPath function. Index bag name in OrdCreate and OrdListAdd can be passed with ip name and port 2008-06-09 20:00 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c ! fixed bug in leto_filef() 2008-06-04 20:30 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/server.prg ! small fix in hs_OpenIndex(), introduced in my previos commit ! fixed hs_OrderInfo() 2008-06-03 20:30 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c + added support for _SET_AUTORDER flag * source/server/server.prg ! fixed hs_openindex() function if SET_AUTOPEN flag is disabled on a client * source/server/letofunc.c * added check into LETO_ADDTAG function if tag already opened 2008-06-03 00:20 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c + added support for _SET_AUTOPEN flag 2008-06-01 21:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/common/common_c.c * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/leto_lnx.c * source/server/leto_win.c * source/server/server.prg * source/include/funcleto.h * writelog() function moved to common_c.c + added function LETO_SUM(cField, [cFilter], [ScopeTop], [ScopeBottom]) 2008-05-16 15:45 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c ! Bugs fixed, related to scopes implementation 2008-05-06 13:24 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * version number has been changed to 0.7 * Place for a username and password added to the 'intro' command * 'Exact' setting removed from the 'intro' and from the user structure 2008-04-28 12:10 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * codepage conversion for memos added 2008-04-18 11:15 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h + ULONG ulDeciSec has been added to LETOAREAP + #define BUFF_REFRESH_TIME 100 * source/client/leto1.c * The time when records buffer is got from the server, is kept in pArea->ulDeciSec and if the time since this occurence exceeds the BUFF_REFRESH_TIME, the budder is refreshed. 2008-04-13 17:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c + added current codepage, SET_DATEFORMAT, SET_CENTURE and SET_EXACT into intro command * source/server/letofunc.c + added new user environment fields into USERSTRU. It's need for codeblock evaluation + added leto_SetUserEnv function + added filter set into leto_Seek() function * source/server/server.prg + added leto_SetUserEnv() call into hs_createindex() 2008-04-11 11:02 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c ! More type casts for MSVS, provided by Andi Jahja + make_vc.bat + makefile.vc + Makefiles for MSVS has been added 2008-04-10 15:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg ! Bug fixed, which prevented running of a server in a console mode. 2008-04-09 10:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! A lot of type casts for MSVS 2008-04-08 10:08 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Warning fixed. * source/common/common_c.c ! Few type casts for MSVS * source/common/hbip.c * hb_ipConnect() has been changed to decrease the time of connection ! Few type casts for MSVS 2008-04-04 12:55 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) + tests + tests/test_ta.prg + Added a sample, which demonstrates how to use transactions with Leto db server 2008-04-04 12:45 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c ! Additional fix, related to records unlocking after transaction commit or rollback. 2008-04-04 12:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c ! Bugs fixed, related to transactions * leto_Rollback([lUnlock]) now unlocks all locked records, if lUnlock == Nil or .T. * source/server/server.prg ! Small bug fixed in hb_createtable() 2008-04-03 15:16 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c ! Few Bugs fixed, related to transactions and records locking 2008-04-03 10:25 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) + make_xhb.bat * Added bat file for xHarbour Builder * Readme.txt * Added info about make_xhb.bat 2008-04-03 10:05 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/common/hbip.c * hb_iprecv() and hb_ipsend() has been simplified - unused modes removed. * Changing of send/receive buffer, introduced in previous post, is isolated to separate function hb_ipSetBufSize(), buffer size is reduced to 16K. Changing of buffer size is moved from hb_ipServer() to hb_ipAccept() * include/funcleto.h * HB_SENDRECV_BUFFER_SIZE is increased to 16K * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * Changed calls to hb_iprecv(), hb_ipsend() 2008-04-01 13:36 UTC+0100 Miguel Angel marchuet Frutos (miguelangel/at/marchuet.net) * source/common/hbip.c % increased SND and RCV buffers to 64k and use 1/2 of its capacitie to increase speed transfer. In the future this may be configurable settings. 2008-03-31 10:15 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Few warnings fixed. 2008-03-28 14:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Bug fixed in leto_FindTable() 2008-03-28 13:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/client/leto1.c * Transactions support is ready. Not properly tested yet, but simplest tests works. 2008-03-28 09:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/client/leto1.c * Continued implementation of transactions support. 2008-03-27 21:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c ! fixed several bugs for binary fields + add missing SELF_SYNCCHILDREN for letoGoTop and letoGoBottom + added letoSetBlankRecord function. It's need to fill record by empty values before commit operation 2008-03-27 12:44 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/client/leto1.c * Continued implementation of transactions support. New functions has been added: leto_BeginTransaction() leto_RollBack() leto_CommitTransaction() 2008-03-27 12:44 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * Started implementation of transactions support 2008-03-27 10:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/common/hbip.c * Added SO_KEEPALIVE option to the server side socket. * Whatsnew.txt * Added build 6 info. 2008-03-27 10:25 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * hb_strncpyLower is replaced by other functions 2008-03-26 21:20 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * include/funcleto.h * source/server/letofunc.c * source/client/leto1.c + added support for additional field types: HB_FT_INTEGER HB_FT_DOUBLE HB_FT_FLOAT HB_FT_DAYTIME HB_FT_MODTIME + added hb_strncpyLower function for xHarbour * source/server/server.prg + added requests for codepages * small change in hs_createindex 2008-03-26 12:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/server/letofunc.c * version number has been changed to "0.5" + Whatsnew.txt 2008-03-26 11:08 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * readme.txt * added info about new ini entries and leto_Connect() function. 2008-03-26 10:32 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg ! Bug fixed * source/client/leto1.c * ordBagExt() now returns ".NTX" if the dbf is opened via "DBFNTX" 2008-03-26 09:38 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg ! Few bugs fixed * Now it is possible to define [DATABASE] section and the following options for it: DataPath = some_path Driver = CDX/NTX 2008-03-25 21:55 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * DATABASE structures and appropriate code has been added. 2008-03-25 20:15 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * Support of DBFNTX has been added. For now, to force Letodb work via DBFNTX driver, you need to write in letodb.ini: DEFAULT_DRIVER = NTX 2008-03-25 17:10 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c ! Small fix 2008-03-25 16:50 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/funcleto.h * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * letoOrderListClear() has been implemented. 2008-03-25 12:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * Changed LETOTAG structure * All bagnames and tagnames are kept now in lower case 2008-03-24 14:06 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c ! Bugs fixed, introduced in previous commit 2008-03-24 11:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * some changes in the protocol: SET DELETED flag is transferred now in all move commands instead of 'intro' and 'set;01;' * source/client/letomgmn.c * leto_setDeleted() has been removed. * source/server/letofunc.c * changes, related to SET DELETED handling * leto_goto(), leto_skip() and leto_seek() has been changed to use the leto_getParam() function. 2008-03-24 09:24 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * Some optimizations in leto_goto() and leto_skip() 2008-03-23 19:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Bugs fixed in leto_goto() and leto_SetFilter() * leto_SendAnswer() has been optimized. 2008-03-23 09:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c ! fixed bug in leto_Skip if filter is defined % memory allocations has been optimized in leto_Skip 2008-03-22 23:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c % optimized leto_SetScope calls 2008-03-22 22:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Memory leaks fixed in few functions. If hb_itemGetC() is used, the returned value must be freed, or hb_itemGetCPtr() should be used instead. * leto_getParam() function has been added to regularize handling of a string, gotten from the client. leto_mgmt() has been changed to use the leto_getParam(). 2008-03-22 21:00 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * hs_skip function has been converted to C level * added szTagName into LETOTAG structure and rewritten leto_FindTag function * renamed letoKeyToItem to leto_KeyToItem * DBOI_KEYTYPE call moved into leto_KeyToItem function * added check for current order into leto_SetFocus() * commented LETO_NSKIPBUF, HS_SETSCOPE, HS_CLEARSCOPE functions 2008-03-22 15:45 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c * added missing initialization for uiLen in leto_Goto() function * changes in leto_rec() for VarField: xHarbour return true in HB_IS_NUMERIC() for one byte strings 2008-03-21 22:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * hs_goto function has been converted to C level. 2008-03-19 00:15 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * scope functions has been converted to C level. 2008-03-18 15:56 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * Started implementation of OrderListClear method * source/client/letomgmn.c * leto_mgGetInfo() now accepts info about indexes * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * Handling of index and tag structures on C level has been extended * management function now transfers data about indexes. 2008-03-17 19:50 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c * added parameter in hb_gcCollectAll() for xHarbour 2008-03-17 16:10 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * itmFltExpr member ( to keep the filter codeblock ) has been added to the AREASTRU and appropriate code to set and release it. 2008-03-17 12:48 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * relations has been implemented 2008-03-16 20:14 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * letoOrderListAdd() has been implemented * source/server/letofunc.c * index structures added * source/server/server.prg ! Some fixes 2008-03-16 14:20 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * Small protocol corrections * source/client/letomgmn.c * leto_SetSkipBuffer() added * source/server/letofunc.c * Small protocol corrections * pTag structure added to the area structure * Support for the leto_SetSkipBuffer() * source/server/server.prg * skip procedure uses the value, set by leto_SetSkipBuffer() 2008-03-15 18:45 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/leto_lnx.c * source/server/leto_win.c * Small corrections * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * hs_file() has been converted to C level. 2008-03-15 11:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * Small fix in leto_CloseArea() - records unlocking is called * Cleanup 2008-03-15 11:22 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * hs_append(), hs_update() has been converted to C level. 2008-03-14 12:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * utils/manager/manage.prg * New possibilities added: disconnect and kill user. 2008-03-14 11:50 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Memory leak fixed in leto_ordfunc() * Garbage collection once in 5 minutes has been added. 2008-03-13 21:48 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/client/letomgmn.c + leto_mgKill() function added * source/server/leto_win.c * source/server/letofunc.c * support of leto_mgKill() has been added. 2008-03-13 16:38 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * Added conditional definition of DBENTRYP_RVVL to discard problems with previous change. 2008-03-13 12:50 UTC+0100 Miguel Angel marchuet Frutos (miguelangel/at/marchuet.net) * source/client/leto1.c + Added ulConnect as 4 parameter for DbDrop and DbExists 2008-03-13 11:10 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * makefile.bc * Makefile.linux * Makefiles has been updated to support MT mode 2008-03-13 11:10 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * The repository was tagged with 'v_single_thread' + include/funcleto.h + include/srvleto.h * include/rddleto.h * new header files has been added to separate server related headers. * Threads related function definitiona has been added * source/server/leto_lnx.c * source/server/leto_win.c * New functions for threads creating and synchronization has been added: BOOL leto_ThreadCreate( void* (*ThreadFunc)(void*) ); BOOL leto_ThreadMutexInit( LETO_MUTEX * pMutex ); void leto_ThreadMutexDestroy( LETO_MUTEX * pMutex ); BOOL leto_ThreadMutexLock( LETO_MUTEX * pMutex ); BOOL leto_ThreadMutexUnlock( LETO_MUTEX * pMutex ); BOOL leto_ThreadCondInit( LETO_COND * phEvent ); void leto_ThreadCondDestroy( LETO_COND * phEvent ); int leto_ThreadCondWait( LETO_COND * phEvent, int iMilliseconds ); BOOL leto_ThreadCondUnlock( LETO_COND * pCond ); * source/server/letofunc.c * server routines rewritten to work with two threads: first, which accepts connections, waits for clients requests and executes management functions; it doesn't touch Harbour's stack and RDD; second, which handles all requests, related to data access, and, so, works with Harbour's stack and RDD; 2008-03-05 15:24 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c ! Fix in letoOpen() - now it doesn't give run-time error, only a NETERR, if a file can't be opened because of sharing problems 2008-03-05 13:18 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/letomgmn.c * utils/manager/manage.prg * Some improvements 2008-03-05 11:08 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * utils/manager/console.prg * Small cleanup * utils/manager/manage.prg * Rewritten using new management functions. 2008-03-05 10:15 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/client/leto1.c ! Small fixes * source/client/letomgmn.c * Following management functions has been implemented: leto_Disconnect() leto_SetCurrentConnection() leto_GetCurrentConnection() leto_GetServerVersion() leto_mgGetInfo() leto_mgGetUsers() leto_mgGetTables() * utils/manager/console.prg * Rewritten using new management functions. 2008-03-04 22:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * utils/manager/manage.prg * utils/manager/console.prg * Some changes in the protocol 2008-03-04 21:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/client/leto1.c * source/client/letomgmn.c * Some changes in LETOCONNECTION structure and connection functions. * leto_Connect() function implemented. * Introducing of management functions started. 2008-03-04 18:44 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Bug fixed in leto_FindTable() 2008-03-04 15:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * hs_ordfunc() is converted to C level * source/client/leto1.c ! Bug fixed in DBOI_POSITION implementation 2008-03-04 13:20 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Few warnings fixed. 2008-03-04 13:05 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Locking seems to work properly now 2008-03-04 10:55 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * source/client/leto1.c * Further locking changes 2008-03-03 22:05 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * HSTable() class and appropriate stuff is fully converted to C Level * source/client/leto1.c ! Some fixes in leto_RawLock() method 2008-03-01 20:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * include/rddleto.h * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * source/client/leto1.c + added support for "D", 3 and "D", 4 fields + added support for "V" varfields 2008-03-03 20:10 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Locking functions are converted to C level and fixed. 2008-03-03 16:20 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * leto_UnlockAllRec(), leto_Lock(), leto_Unlock() functions added. 2008-03-03 13:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * Restored a change, which was accidentally deleted while last commit * source/server/letofunc.c * Further HSTable conversion 2008-03-02 19:42 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/client/leto1.c ! Bugs fixed, related to delete/recall * fUnLockAll flag of dbAppend() is transferred now to the server. 2008-03-02 16:55 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Almost all of the HSTable converted to C level. 2008-03-01 22:24 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Yet another part of code converted to C level. 2008-03-01 14:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/client/leto1.c ! Few bugs fixed, related to index creation 2008-03-01 13:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * Few functions, which are not used now, has been removed: leto_At(), leto_Statis(), leto_Date2b() 2008-03-01 12:20 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Yet another part of code converted to C ...

Oskar_Aa: ... level, HSUser class is removed. 2008-02-29 13:01 UTC+0100 Miguel Angel marchuet Frutos (miguelangel/at/marchuet.net) * source/server/server.prg ! fixed OrdBagName now is transmited when dbf is open, and now BagName is correctly informed. 2008-02-28 21:12 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/common/hbip.c * C version of hb_ipClose() added. * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Yet another part of code converted to C level 2008-02-28 21:12 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * Some cleanup and formatting 2008-02-28 15:12 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * Version number changed to 0.4 * source/server/letofunc.c * Version number changed to 0.4 2008-02-28 11:58 UTC+0100 Miguel Angel marchuet Frutos (miguelangel/at/marchuet.net) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg ! fixed unlock, extra Z founded. + added support to DbOrderInfo, DBOI_NAME, DBOI_BAGNAME and DBOI_UNIQUE (in setget mode) 2008-02-28 10:15 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * Added support for char fields with len >= 256 * source/server/server.prg * cValToChar() changed to avoid using of syntax, incompatible with Harbour ( SWITCH ... ) 2008-02-27 22:10 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source\server\server.prg * source\server\letofunc.c * source\client\leto1.c + initial support of relations 2008-02-27 21:56 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source\server\letofunc.c ! Bugs fixed, related to tables reallocation 2008-02-26 22:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source\server\server.prg * source\client\leto1.c + added INDEX ON ... CUSTOM support 2008-02-26 13:46 UTC+0100 Miguel Angel marchuet Frutos (miguelangel/at/marchuet.net) * include\rddleto.h * source\client\leto1.c * source\server\letofunc.c * source\server\server.prg + Added support to DbOrderInfo DBOI_ISDESC and DBOI_CUSTOM and prepared code to full support DbOrderInfo. PLEASE you can see if any thing is wrong in my first upload. 2008-02-26 11:24 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg ! Bug fixed in hs_createindex() * source/client/leto1.c ! Fix for Linux compiler 2008-02-25 22:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/server.prg * source/client/leto1.c * The key for scope operations is sent now like for seek command 2008-02-25 22:12 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * Few problems fixed. 2008-02-22 09:56 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * Format of transferred data is optimized * Info about memo fields ( empty or filled ) is included in a transferred record. 2008-02-21 18:56 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Bug fixed in leto_Memo() function 2008-02-21 16:52 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg ! Few bugs fixed 2008-02-21 14:42 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Few warnings fixed 2008-02-21 13:55 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/client/leto1.c ! Few warnings fixed * Makefile.linux ! hbct has been removed from the libraries.list 2008-02-20 22:05 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Small fix for xHarbour 2008-02-20 21:25 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * leto_SelectArea() has been added instead of oUser:SelectArea() * Some other C level data added instead of prg level 2008-02-20 17:12 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c ! Bug fixed 2008-02-20 16:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * utils/manager/manage.prg * Management functions extended - now it is possible to see files, opened by given client 2008-02-20 12:50 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * Time measurement reimplemented on C level * source/server/server.prg * Some cleanup * utils/manager/manage.prg ! Small fix 2008-02-19 22:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * C level table and area structures with appropriate init/release functions introduced. * utils/manager/manage.prg * utils/manager/console.prg * Small changes in format of received data 2008-02-19 15:50 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * Main server cycle, hs_intro(), hs_mgmt() has been converted to C level * makefile.bc * Small changes 2008-02-18 22:53 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * Few function declarations from hbip.c has been added. * source/server/leto_lnx.c * source/server/leto_win.c * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * Further prg to C conversion 2008-02-18 17:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/common/hbip.c * C level versions of hb_ip_rfd_... functions added 2008-02-18 16:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/common/hbip.c * C level versions of hb_ipServer() and hb_ipAccept() added 2008-02-18 12:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * hs_memo() is converted to C level. * source/client/leto1.c ! Few fixes, related to memo updating and record appending 2008-02-17 11:12 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * Conversion of management fucntions to C level has been started * source/client/leto1.c leto_Putvalue(): updating of memo field has been implemented. * include/rddleto.h * source/common/common_c.c * leto_Addlen() function has been changed 2008-02-16 14:20 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * hs_seek(), hs_deleted() are converted to C level. ! Some fixes * include/rddleto.h * source/client/leto1.c * source/common/common_c.c * leto_Addlen() function has been implemented 2008-02-15 09:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * hs_pack(),hs_zap are converted to C level. * Code cleanup, few warnings fixed 2008-02-14 10:45 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg ! Fix in leto_reccount() * hs_flush() is converted to C level. 2008-02-14 09:45 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/client/leto1.c ! Some fixes, related with latest changes * source/server/letofunc.c * leto_Reccount() function added, which replaces prg level hs_reccount() 2008-02-13 21:50 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c ! Small fix * Alias and workarea number are sent now to server * source/server/server.prg * Generating workarea id from the client's workarea number 2008-02-13 16:25 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/server/server.prg * Small fix in hs_lock() 2008-02-13 14:59 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Next part of the server code is converted to a C level. 2008-02-12 12:10 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/letofunc.c * Reallocation of user structures array has been added. 2008-02-12 11:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Part of the server code is converted to a C level. * utils/manager/manage.prg * Small changes 2008-02-11 15:30 UTC+0200 Petr Chornyj (myorg63/at/mail.ru) * source/server/letofunc.c * GetCmdItem() function added * source/server/server.prg * GetCmdItem() function commented 2008-02-11 13:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/client/leto1.c * source/common/common_c.c * source/common/hb_ip.c * Some changes, needed to rewrite parts of server to C level. 2008-02-10 19:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * source/client/leto1.c * The key for seek is sent now as any other character field - with a length byte before. 2008-02-10 17:15 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/errorsys.prg * Few changes, provided by Francesco Saverio Giudice * Small change in wrlog() function * source/server/letofunc.c * leto_ScanAndDel() funcion added - provided by P.Chornyj <myorg63@mail.ru> * source/server/server.prg * Small fix ib hs_memo, provided by Francesco Saverio Giudice * Few code fragments are replaced with leto_ScanAndDel() * Non empty balue of DataPath ini file option is mandatory now for file functions be permitted. * New ini file options added: EnableFileFunc = 0 ( 1 - if using of file functions - leto_file(), leto_ferase(), leto_frename() is enabled ) EnableAnyExt = 0 ( 1 - if using of non standard database/index files is enabled ) * source/client/leto1.c * Small change, which eliminates using of "../" in a path. 2008-02-09 12:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/server.prg + added missing ordCondSet in hs_createindex() * source/client/leto1.c + added parameters for ordCondSet evaluation 2008-02-08 21:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/server.prg * dbDelete()/dbRecall() operations should be processed when leto_PutRec() called 2008-02-08 21:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/letomgmn.c + added LETO_FERASE(), LETO_FRENAME(), LETO_FERROR() functions * source/server/server.prg + implemented functions above 2008-02-07 21:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/leto1.c * use HB_SET_DEFAULT instead of HB_SET_PATH in letoCreate() + added additional parameter lFile to leto_getIpFromPath() * leto_getIpFromPath() changed to parse directories from HB_SET_PATH * source/client/letomgmn.c * changed leto_getIpFromPath() usage 2008-02-07 10:20 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * utils/manager/manage.prg * exename() call is replaced by hb_Argv(0) to avoid using of ct library * utils/manager/bld.bat * hbct.lib is removed from the libraries list 2008-02-06 20:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * hs_openindex() implemented * utils/manager/manage.prg ! Small fix for xHarbour 2008-02-06 19:35 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) + source/common/common_c.c * C level functions, which are used in both client and server modules hb_millisec() has been renamed to leto_millisec() * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/letofunc.c * source/server/server.prg * include/rddleto.h * makefile.bc * Makefile.linux * appropiate changes in related files. 2008-02-06 15:20 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/client/leto1.c ! Bug fixed in letoOrderInfo(), thanks to Miguel Angel Marchuet 2008-02-06 09:20 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/server/server.prg ! source/client/leto1.c * Seeking caused an error if the keytype was wrong. 2008-02-05 22:50 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/server.prg + added requests for expression engine 2008-02-05 22:10 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/server/server.prg ! source/client/leto1.c * Fixed bugs with locking 2008-02-05 20:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg ! Fixed a bug in hs_seek() ( failure returned in case of empty key ) ! Fixed paths in hs_createindex() * Added cAlias member in HSArea - an alias from the client 2008-02-05 15:05 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * include/rddleto.h * Some changes in workarea definition to solve problem with diffences in [x]Harbour versions 2008-02-04 20:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/client/letomgmn.c * leto_DataSendRecv() function moved to leto1.c * source/server/server.prg * source/client/leto1.c * include/rddleto.h * rewritten scope operations to reduce server calls * utils/manager/console.prg * ExeName() replaced with HB_ARGV(0) 2008-02-04 13:05 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/client/leto1.c * Small fix, which allows to use a drive letter in a file path ! readme.txt * USE command sample fixed 2008-02-04 13:05 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/client/leto1.c * Few warnings fixed ! source/common/net.c * bug fixed 2008-02-03 21:50 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/server.prg * Errors while files opening and creation are written to the log now, subcode is passed to client. * Makefile.linux * added letomgmn.c * utils/manager/console.prg * utils/manager/manage.prg * Few functions has been changed to avoid using of hb_at() 2008-02-03 18:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/server.prg + added "file" command for LETO_FILE() function + source/client/letomgmn.c + added LETO_FILE() function * source/client/leto1.c * chahged some functions from static to export + added OrdBagExt(), OrdNumber() * include/rddleto.h + added uiTag to LETOTAGINFO structure * makefile.bc * added letomgmn.c 2008-02-03 11:30 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/server/errorsys.prg * file name converted to lowercase 2008-02-02 21:00 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * include/rddleto.h + added pKeyItem to LETOTAGINFO structure * source/client/leto1.c + added dbOrerInfo(DBOI_KEYVAL,...) 2008-02-02 16:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * source/server/server.prg * source/client/leto1.c * include/rddleto.h + added support for dbOrerInfo(DBOI_KEYSIZE,...) + added scope support: dbOrerInfo(DBOI_SCOPETOP,...) dbOrerInfo(DBOI_SCOPEBOTTOM,...) dbOrerInfo(DBOI_SCOPESET,...) dbOrerInfo(DBOI_SCOPETOPCLEAR) dbOrerInfo(DBOI_SCOPEBOTTOMCLEAR) dbOrerInfo(DBOI_SCOPECLEAR) * makefile.bc * changed terminal lib with gtwin for console mode 2008-02-01 20:12 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * include/rddleto.h * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Yet another changes to provide compatibility with earlier versions of [x]Harbour 2008-02-01 14:25 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * source/client/leto1.c * source/server/server.prg * source/server/letofunc.c * Few changes to provide compatibility with earlier versions of [x]Harbour 2008-02-01 13:40 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) * letodb/utils/manager/console.prg * small interface changes * Readme.txt * Added info about management utilities 2008-02-01 12:25 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/client/leto1.c ! Yet another fix in leto_getIpFromPath() 2008-02-01 11:15 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/client/leto1.c ! Fix in leto_getIpFromPath() 2008-02-01 09:05 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) ! source/client/leto1.c ! Important fix in leto_ParseRec() - convertion of date type field. * include/rddleto.h * Added HB_FT_... definitions, which was introduced in [x]Harbour in October 2007, to be compatible with earlier distributions. 2008-01-31 20:30 UTC+0200 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) * make_b32.bat * HB_PATH env var used for copy command * makefile.bc * changes for xharbour * source/client/leto1.c * warning cleanup * changes for xharbour * source/server/server.prg * changes for xharbour * source/server/letofunc.c * chanded HB_MILLISEC() for xharbour 2008-01-31 17:00 UTC+0300 Alexander Kresin (alex/at/belacy.belgorod.su) + letodb/utils/manager/console.prg * simple console management utility has been added + letodb/Changelog * this Changelog file has been created
PSP: Oskar_Aa пишет: Александр, содержимое файла ChangeLog ... 2008-08-07 19:45 UTC+0300 Pavel Tsarenko (tpe2/at/mail.ru) Проект постоянно обновляется. http://sourceforge.net/projects/letodb Лучше всего пользоваться CVS.

Oskar_Aa: Скачал letodb-0.8.src.zip. начал собирать ч/з xHarbour Compiler build 1.0.0 (SimpLex) Copyright 1999-2007, http://www.xharbour.org http://www.harbour-project.org полезли ошибки: MAKE Version 5.2 Copyright (c) 1987, 2000 Borland bcc32 -c -Iinclude;\include -d -tWM -D__WIN32__ -D__WIN_DAEMON__ -oobj\b32\leto1.obj source\client\leto1.c Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland source\client\leto1.c: Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 56: Unable to open include file 'hbapi.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 57: Unable to open include file 'hbinit.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 58: Unable to open include file 'hbapiitm.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 59: Unable to open include file 'hbapierr.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 60: Unable to open include file 'hbdbferr.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 61: Unable to open include file 'hbapilng.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 62: Unable to open include file 'hbdate.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 63: Unable to open include file 'hbset.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 64: Unable to open include file 'hbvm.h' Error E2209 source\client\leto1.c 65: Unable to open include file 'rddsys.ch' Error E2209 include\rddleto.h 51: Unable to open include file 'hbapirdd.h' Error E2141 include\funcleto.h 90: Declaration syntax error Error E2141 include\funcleto.h 94: Declaration syntax error Error E2147 include\funcleto.h 95: 'BYTE' cannot start a parameter declaration Error E2303 include\funcleto.h 95: Type name expected Error E2147 include\funcleto.h 99: 'BYTE' cannot start a parameter declaration Error E2303 include\funcleto.h 99: Type name expected Error E2147 include\funcleto.h 100: 'BYTE' cannot start a parameter declaration Error E2303 include\funcleto.h 100: Type name expected Error E2141 include\rddleto.h 59: Declaration syntax error Error E2139 include\rddleto.h 78: Declaration missing ; Error E2139 include\rddleto.h 79: Declaration missing ; Error E2139 include\rddleto.h 80: Declaration missing ; Error E2139 include\rddleto.h 81: Declaration missing ; Error E2238 include\rddleto.h 82: Multiple declaration for 'USHORT' Error E2228 include\rddleto.h 82: Too many error or warning messages *** 26 errors in Compile *** ** error 1 ** deleting obj\b32\leto1.obj ЗЫ. MAKEFILE.BC строка xHarbour = Yes комментарий снят MAKE_B32.bat @echo off if "%1" == "clean" goto CLEAN if "%1" == "CLEAN" goto CLEAN if not exist lib md lib if not exist obj md obj if not exist obj\b32 md obj\b32 :BUILD SET HB_PATH=C:\xHARBOUR - поставил сам make -l EXE_OBJ_DIR=obj\b32\bin OBJ_DIR=obj\b32 -fmakefile.bc %1 %2 %3 > make_b32.log if errorlevel 1 goto BUILD_ERR copy lib\rddleto.lib %HB_PATH%\lib\rddleto.lib :BUILD_OK goto EXIT :BUILD_ERR notepad make_b32.log goto EXIT :CLEAN del bin\*.exe del bin\*.tds del lib\*.lib del lib\*.bak del obj\b32\*.obj del obj\b32\*.c del make_b32.log goto EXIT :EXIT Куда копать и что делать????

Oskar_Aa: по поводу "старой" версии LETODB.... Error.Log ----------------------------- xHarbour Error Log ------------------------------ Date...............: 25/06/2009 Time...............: 13:02:22 Application name...: C:\BALANS.KKB\KKBLETO.exe Workstation name...: KYDYKEEV Available memory...: 127640 Current disk.......: C Current directory..: BALANS.KKB Free disk space....: 12929011712 Operating system...: Windows XP Professional 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2 xHarbour version...: xHarbour build 1.0.0 Intl. (SimpLex) xHarbour built on..: Nov 8 2007 09:23:44 C/C++ compiler.....: Borland C++ 5.5.1 Multi Threading....: NO VM Optimization....: 0 Current Area ......:40 -------------------------- Environmental Information -------------------------- SET ALTERNATE......: OFF SET ALTFILE........: SET AUTOPEN........: ON SET AUTORDER.......: 0 SET AUTOSHARE......: 0 SET BACKGROUNDTASKS: OFF SET BACKGROUNDTICK.: 1000 SET BELL...........: OFF SET BLINK..........: .T. SET CANCEL.........: ON SET CENTURY........: ON SET COLOR..........: W/N,N/BG,N/N,N/N,N/BG SET CONFIRM........: ON SET CONSOLE........: ON SET COUNT..........: 0 SET CURSOR.........: 0 SET DATE FORMAT....: DD/MM/YYYY SET DBFLOCKSCHEME..: 0 SET DEBUG..........: OFF SET DECIMALS.......: 9 SET DEFAULT........: SET DELETED........: ON SET DELIMCHARS.....: :: SET DELIMETERS.....: OFF SET DEVICE.........: SCREEN SET DIRCASE........: 0 SET DIRSEPARATOR...: \ SET EOL............: 13 SET EPOCH..........: 1900 SET ERRORLOG.......: ERROR.LOG,.F. SET ERRORLOOP......: 8 SET ESCAPE.........: OFF SET EVENTMASK......: 128 SET EXACT..........: ON SET EXCLUSIVE......: ON SET EXIT...........: OFF SET EXTRA..........: OFF SET EXTRAFILE......: SET FILECASE.......: 0 SET FIXED..........: OFF SET FORCEOPT.......: OFF SET GTMODE.........: 1 SET HARDCOMMIT.....: ON SET IDLEREPEAT.....: ON SET INSERT.........: OFF SET INTENSITY......: ON SET LANGUAGE.......: EN SET MARGIN.........: 0 SET MBLOCKSIZE.....: 0 SET MCENTER........: OFF SET MESSAGE........: 0 SET MFILEEXT.......: SET OPTIMIZE.......: ON SET OUTPUTSAFETY...: ON SET PATH...........: //;//;//;;C:\TEMP.ZZ1;C:\TEMP.ZZ1;Q:\BALANS.GET;//;Q:\BALANS.KKB\FILES.RAR;BALANS.GET;//;//;//;Q:\BALANS.EXP;Q:\BALANS.GET; SET PRINTER........: OFF SET PRINTERJOB.....: SET PRINTFILE......: PRN SET SCOREBOARD.....: OFF SET SCROLLBREAK....: ON SET SOFTSEEK.......: OFF SET STRICTREAD.....: OFF SET TRACE..........: ON SET TRACEFILE......: TRACE.LOG SET TRACESTACK.....: 2 SET TRIMFILENAME...: .F. SET TYPEAHEAD......: 1024 SET UNIQUE.........: OFF SET VIDEOMODE......: 0 SET WRAP...........: OFF ---------------------------Detailed Work Area Items---------------------------- Work Area No ......: 1 Alias .............: CONFIG Current Recno .....: 1 Current Filter ....: Relation Exp. .....: Index Order .......: 0 Active Key ........: Work Area No ......: 2 Alias .............: BALANS Current Recno .....: 1 Current Filter ....: Relation Exp. .....: Index Order .......: 0 Active Key ........: -------------------- Internal Error Handling Information --------------------- Subsystem Call ....: LETO System Code .......: 1021 Default Status ....: .F. Description .......: Data type error Operation .........: Arguments .........: Involved File .....: -003:21-1003 Dos Error Code ....: 0 Trace Through: ---------------- ORDLISTADD : 0 in Module: OPEN_NTX : 115 in Module: FIL_COM1.prg MAIN : 54 in Module: KKBLETO.prg ############################## Video Screen Dump ############################## +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Дата:25/06/2009 13:02:22 | |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╔════════════════════════════╗░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░║Открытие файлов. Ожидайте...║░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |//══════════════╝░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |//░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |//░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |Error LETO/1021 Data type error: -003:21-1003░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |Error at ...: ORDLISTADD(0) in Module: ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |Called from : OPEN_NTX(115) in Module: FIL_COM1.prg░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |Called from : MAIN(54) in Module: KKBLETO.prg░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| |░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░| | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Фрагмент кода программы (открытие индексных файлов) Select STYLE Set Index To (Mar2+'BL28_1.Cdx'),(Mar2+'BL28_2.Cdx') Переменная MAR2 - путь к папке с файлами: //

Oskar_Aa: Добрый день, еще раз.... Сегодня скачал версию xHarbour Compiler build 1.2.1 (SimpLex) (Rev. 6406) Удалось собрать LETODB (от 01/06/2009). получил RDDLETO.Lib, LETODB.exe Тестирование продолжается....

alkresin: Oskar_Aa пишет: Сегодня скачал версию xHarbour Compiler build 1.2.1 (SimpLex) (Rev. 6406) Это правильно :). С поддержкой разных версий - прямо беда. С Harbour мне удалось обеспечить поддержку более-менее широкого диапазона версий, а вот xHarbour охватить нет времени - поэтому, наверное, только свежие его версии можно использовать ( этого или конца прошлого года ).

Andrey: alkresin пишет: а вот xHarbour охватить нет времени Да и не нужна поддержка в старых версиях, самое главное чтоб в новых работало !

Oskar_Aa: Ошибка при запуске TEST_TA.prg из LETODB (06/01/2009) +xHarbour (REV6401) , ----------------------------- xHarbour Error Log ------------------------------ Date...............: 06/26/09 Time...............: 15:45:16 Operating system...: Windows XP Professional 5.01.2600 Service Pack 2 xHarbour version...: xHarbour build 1.2.1 Intl. (SimpLex) (Rev. 6406) xHarbour built on..: Mar 26 2009 16:08:37 C/C++ compiler.....: Borland C++ 5.5.1 (32 bit) Multi Threading....: NO VM Optimization....: 2 -------------------------- Environmental Information -------------------------- SET ALTERNATE......: OFF SET ALTFILE........: SET AUTOPEN........: ON SET AUTORDER.......: 0 SET AUTOSHARE......: 0 SET BACKGROUNDTASKS: OFF SET BACKGROUNDTICK.: 1000 SET BELL...........: OFF SET BLINK..........: .T. SET CANCEL.........: ON SET CENTURY........: OFF SET COLOR..........: W/N,N/W,N/N,N/N,N/W SET CONFIRM........: OFF SET CONSOLE........: ON SET COUNT..........: 0 SET CURSOR.........: 1 SET DATE FORMAT....: MM/DD/YY SET DBFLOCKSCHEME..: 0 SET DEBUG..........: OFF SET DECIMALS.......: 2 SET DEFAULT........: SET DEFEXTENSIONS..: ON SET DELETED........: OFF SET DELIMCHARS.....: :: SET DELIMETERS.....: OFF SET DEVICE.........: SCREEN SET DIRCASE........: 0 SET DIRSEPARATOR...: \ SET EOL............: 13 SET EPOCH..........: 1900 SET ERRORLOG.......: ERROR.LOG,.F. SET ERRORLOOP......: 8 SET ESCAPE.........: ON SET EVENTMASK......: 128 SET EXACT..........: OFF SET EXCLUSIVE......: ON SET EXIT...........: OFF SET EXTRA..........: OFF SET EXTRAFILE......: SET FILECASE.......: 0 SET FIXED..........: OFF SET FORCEOPT.......: OFF SET HARDCOMMIT.....: ON SET IDLEREPEAT.....: ON SET INSERT.........: OFF SET INTENSITY......: ON SET LANGUAGE.......: EN SET MARGIN.........: 0 SET MBLOCKSIZE.....: 0 SET MCENTER........: OFF SET MESSAGE........: 0 SET MFILEEXT.......: SET OPTIMIZE.......: ON SET OUTPUTSAFETY...: ON SET PATH...........: SET PRINTER........: OFF SET PRINTERJOB.....: SET PRINTFILE......: PRN SET SCOREBOARD.....: ON SET SCROLLBREAK....: ON SET SOFTSEEK.......: OFF SET STRICTREAD.....: OFF SET TRACE..........: ON SET TRACEFILE......: TRACE.LOG SET TRACESTACK.....: 2 SET TRIMFILENAME...: .F. SET TYPEAHEAD......: 50 SET UNIQUE.........: OFF SET VIDEOMODE......: 0 SET WRAP...........: OFF ---------------------------Detailed Work Area Items---------------------------- -------------------- Internal Error Handling Information --------------------- Subsystem Call ....: LETO System Code .......: 1 Default Status ....: .F. Description .......: Open error Operation .........: Arguments .........: Involved File .....: // Dos Error Code ....: 0 Trace Through: ---------------- DBCREATE : 0 in Module: MAIN : 14 in Module: test_ta.prg ############################## Video Screen Dump ############################## +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | |C:\ASKAR.AAA\PROGRAMM.PRG\LETODB.PRG>XHR_PRG.BAT | | | |C:\ASKAR.AAA\PROGRAMM.PRG\LETODB.PRG>Erase Test_Ta.C | | | |C:\ASKAR.AAA\PROGRAMM.PRG\LETODB.PRG>Erase Test_Ta.Obj | | | |C:\ASKAR.AAA\PROGRAMM.PRG\LETODB.PRG>Erase Test_Ta.Exe | | | |C:\ASKAR.AAA\PROGRAMM.PRG\LETODB.PRG>C:\XHARBOUR\BIN\HARBOUR test_ta -n -q0 -gc | |-iC:\XHARBOUR\INCLUDE -w 1>test_ta.0Hb | | | |C:\ASKAR.AAA\PROGRAMM.PRG\LETODB.PRG>C:\BORLAND\BCC55\BIN\BCC32 -O2 -d -IC:\XHAR| |BOUR\INCLUDE -LC:\XHARBOUR\LIB test_ta.C lang.lib vm.lib rtl.lib rdd.lib macro.l| |ib pp.lib dbfntx.lib dbfcdx.lib dbffpt.lib common.lib gtwin.lib codepage.lib ct.| |lib tip.lib pcrepos.lib hsx.lib hbsix.lib import32.lib cw32.lib RddLeto.Lib 1>te| |st_ta.0er | | | |C:\ASKAR.AAA\PROGRAMM.PRG\LETODB.PRG>Test_Ta.Exe | | | |Start | |Error LETO/1 Open error: // Arguments: () | | | |Error at ...: DBCREATE(0) in Module: | |Called from : MAIN(14) in Module: test_ta.prg Что я сделал НЕ ТАК??? LETODB.exe, RDDLETO.lib скомпилировались без ошибок... |

alkresin: Извиняюсь за глупый вопрос, но: letodb.exe вы запустили ? В списке процессов он есть ? Утилита console.exe или manage.exe его обнаруживает ?

Oskar_Aa: Спасибо, точно, ошибка "ГЛУПЕЙШАЯ". LetoDb.exe был запущен на сервере.....

Oskar_Aa: тест работает.... Александр, еще вопросы. Базы данных БЕЗ ИНДЕКСНЫХ ФАЙЛОВ открыл без проблем. Затем переход через SELECT F_STYLE Set Index To (Mar2+'BL28_1.Cdx'),(Mar2+'BL28_2.Cdx') Вылетает по ошибке: Error LETO/1021 Data type error: -003:32-1012 Arguments: () PS. Subsystem Call ....: LETO System Code .......: 1021 Default Status ....: .F. Description .......: Data type error Operation .........: Arguments .........: Involved File .....: -003:32-1012 Dos Error Code ....: 0 Trace Through: ---------------- ORDLISTADD : 0 in Module: OPEN_NTX : 119 in Module: FIL_COM1.prg MAIN : 54 in Module: KKBLETO.prg

alkresin: Код 1012 согласно документации означает "Corruption detected". Все ли там хорошо с индексом ?

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